Ionic Foot Detox

Ionic Foot Detox


Ionic foot detox (30 minutes) $45 allows for relaxation as the feet are placed in a sterile, warm basin of water. A small amount of Sea Salt is added to the water to interact with the electrical current. The ionic detox machine sends a small electrical charge to your warm tub of salt water while feet are soaking. It’s the electrical current interacting with the salt that pulls toxins out through the bottom of the feet like a magnet. As the body releases toxins into the warm water, different colors are observed diffusing into the water. These different colors indicate “where” toxins are being pulled from and “what” toxins are being drawn out. Some toxins that can be drawn out are heavy metals, tobacco, yeast, parasites, worms, inflammation, and cellular debris. Benefits of Ionic foot detox: Better circulation, clearer skin
Better sleep patterns, more energy, reduced joint pain, stiffness and inflammation and reduced stress and fatigue.